Improving and Integrating Urban Indigenous Health Services


Yarnin’ Disability: May 2024 edition

IUIH publishes the May edition of the Yarnin' Disability newsletter

May 2024

Our deadly Disability Services team was at the Brisbane Disability Connection Expo last Friday, 2 March and Saturday, 3 March, promoting all things disability. 

Over two days, we connected with many people keen to use our service. If you know anyone who could use our Disability Services for Mob, encourage them to contact us for a yarn.

A Support Coordinator and a Plan Manager are two different roles performed by two different people. In some cases, an organisation may deliver both support coordination and plan management services however, the two services are separate to ensure there is no bias in how the funds are managed and roles are performed.

Support coordination: Support coordination is funded within your NDIS plan and helps build your capacity to navigate services and pursue your goals. A Support Coordinator connects you with NDIS providers and other services, and helps build your confidence and skills to use and coordinate your services independently. The IUIH Disability Services team offers support coordination.

Plan management: Plan management is funded within your NDIS plan and helps manage your funding by ‘paying the bills.’

The Plan Manager is responsible for paying your providers for their NDIS-related support. They also provide you with a budget report so you have oversight of your remaining funds.

Support Coordination Advocacy

The IUIH Disability Services Team offers a unique service to Mob who have NDIS plans, but no support coordination funding allocated. Our team provides support to advocate for participants who identify the need for support coordination funding in the NDIS review process. There is a cost to you for this service, which you can claim from your Capacity Building budget.

For more information on this service, reach out to our deadly Support Coordination team.

IUIH now offers exercise physiology support to Mob with a NDIS plan. Services can be delivered in your home or community. It’s available weekly on Fridays (excluding public holidays). For more information on this service and how to access it, reach out to the Disability Service Allied Health team.

Now is the time to get your flu shot. The flu shot is safe and free for Mob and can prevent you from getting super crook. The flu shot helps stop the spread of flu in Community, especially to our Mob most likely to get crook, including our old people, jarjums under five, pregnant mums and anyone with a chronic condition.

Book in to get your flu shot today.

Media Releases News

As flu cases rise, vaccination critical for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

As influenza cases rise ahead of winter and Australia’s traditional ‘flu season’, the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) is calling on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to get vaccinated as soon as possible. IUIH Public Health Physician, Dr Jacqueline Murdoch, said influenza is particularly serious for Indigenous people.

“The flu can make people really crook, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are at a higher risk. It increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as pneumonia and other serious illnesses. A lot of people end up in hospital because of the flu. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself, and your family and community from the flu.

“This year we want to make sure more of our community is protected, particularly groups at higher risk, including kids under five, older people, and anyone with a chronic health condition.

“Pregnant women also need to be vaccinated to reduce the risk of flu causing complications in their pregnancy, and to protect bub when they’re born before they can be vaccinated at six months old.

“We’ve seen a drop in the vaccination rate for kids, but the flu can make little kids really sick. It’s important for kids under five to be vaccinated,” Dr Murdoch said.

The influenza vaccine is safe and free for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. IUIH is encouraging community to get vaccinated now to ensure they are protected ahead of the peak ‘flu season’.

“We’ve seen the flu peak earlier than usual in the last couple of years. It also takes two weeks for the vaccine to take effect, so it’s important for people to get vaccinated as soon as possible so they are protected before we see the virus spread rapidly,” Dr Murdoch said.

IUIH Community Liaison Officer, Uncle Billy Gorham, regularly addresses misperceptions of influenza and the vaccine amongst community members.

“I hear all sorts of things about the flu. Some people think they’re young and healthy, or they take vitamin C, so they’ll be ok. That the flu isn’t bad. I always say they should yarn with their GP or someone at their local clinic, it’s important they know what’s true and how they can look after themselves and our Mob.

“I’ve already had my flu shot. I don’t want to get real crook, and I want to protect my family. We all live with people we care about, we don’t want to bring home the flu and make everyone sick. Even if you think you’re OK, think about those Mob you care about,” Uncle Billy said.

The influenza vaccine is available and free at clinics now. Contact your local clinic to book in.