Improving and Integrating Urban Indigenous Health Services


New IUIH System of Care 2 Research

The new IUIH System of Care 2 has been developed to build on the success of the original IUIH designed System of Care, an Indigenous-led holistic approach healthcare demonstrated to close the gap faster. IUIH is continually evolving to better respond to the rapid increase in Indigenous population growth in South East Queensland. 

Key Features of ISoC2:

  • Pods in Health Hubs: ISoC2 aims to reach a larger number of clients by using “pods” within proposed health hub precincts. These pods maintain the close connection and relational basis of interactions with care providers.
  • Integration and Care Coordination: ISoC2 emphasises integration and care coordination, consistent with the way IUIH Network clinics operate in South East Queensland.
  • Pod Model: The Pod Model supports stronger relationships between clients/families and their pod teams. It reduces wait times for appointments and ensures easier access to the right services.
  • Family-Centred Approach: Based on respect, relationships, and connections, pod teams focus on delivering care that meets the client and family’s needs.

Trial and Evaluation:

ISoC2 is currently being trialed at the Caboolture clinic, IUIH Goodna clinic, and the new Coomera hub. A comprehensive evaluation (process, outcome, and impact) will determine its effectiveness. Subject to the outcomes of this evaluation, a further rollout is planned across South East Queensland.

The Pod Model ensures stronger relationships, better-matched care, and comprehensive support for families.