We celebrate this deadly day on 3 December each year to recognise the achievements and contributions of people with disabilities.
This includes our deadly Mob!
This year’s theme is Accessible Communication: connect, include and empower.
One of the ways we are doing that is by publishing this newsletter, which we started this year.

Can you believe that 270+ of our Old People took part in Seniors Games? Our Access team had an amazing time connecting with Community, showcasing how our Access team can help you get an NDIS plan in the fun setting of music, dancing, live radio coverage by Triple A and of course the deadly 10-pin bowling, hole in the wall, floor quoits and numbers board!
Congratulations to the Northside Koalas who the IUIH Shield!
IUIH has been awarded a grant from the NDIS Commission to help support, educate and upskill Mob and our staff about knowledge of the NDIS. The project is due to kick off in early 2025 with exciting workshops, presentations, consultations and a suite of deadly resources. Dates, times and locations of these events will be made available in the new year.
Being a client of ours, you would know how complex the NDIS is – we will be making it easier for Mob to gain access to and navigate the system and make use of all the deadly services that are available in your plan.
Disability Services team
Christmas holidays are fast approaching and the Disability Services team will still operate over this period. The team will be offline on public holidays [25th & 26th December & 1st January]. If you are in need of any support on the public holidays or out of hours, contact Mob Link on 1800 254 354 from 7am – 8pm.
During normal hours, you can also call the Disability teams on 1800 317 378 between 8.30am – 4pm.
Disability Access team
Until Monday 23 December
Normal hours
Tuesday 24 December – (Christmas Eve)
Normal hours
Wednesday 25 December (Christmas Day)
Thursday 26 December (Boxing Day)
Friday 27 December
Normal hours
Monday 30 to Tuesday 31 December
Normal hours
Wednesday 1 January (New Year’s Day)
Thursday 2 January
Resume normal hours
In the new year, the Disability Services Allied Health team opens their capacity to support more Mob across South East Queensland. We will provide additional clinic and travel appointments on the North and South side of Brisbane.
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