Improving and Integrating Urban Indigenous Health Services

Media Releases News

As flu cases rise, vaccination critical for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

As influenza cases rise ahead of winter and Australia’s traditional ‘flu season’, the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) is calling on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to get vaccinated as soon as possible. IUIH Public Health Physician, Dr Jacqueline Murdoch, said influenza is particularly serious for Indigenous people.

“The flu can make people really crook, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are at a higher risk. It increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as pneumonia and other serious illnesses. A lot of people end up in hospital because of the flu. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself, and your family and community from the flu.

“This year we want to make sure more of our community is protected, particularly groups at higher risk, including kids under five, older people, and anyone with a chronic health condition.

“Pregnant women also need to be vaccinated to reduce the risk of flu causing complications in their pregnancy, and to protect bub when they’re born before they can be vaccinated at six months old.

“We’ve seen a drop in the vaccination rate for kids, but the flu can make little kids really sick. It’s important for kids under five to be vaccinated,” Dr Murdoch said.

The influenza vaccine is safe and free for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. IUIH is encouraging community to get vaccinated now to ensure they are protected ahead of the peak ‘flu season’.

“We’ve seen the flu peak earlier than usual in the last couple of years. It also takes two weeks for the vaccine to take effect, so it’s important for people to get vaccinated as soon as possible so they are protected before we see the virus spread rapidly,” Dr Murdoch said.

IUIH Community Liaison Officer, Uncle Billy Gorham, regularly addresses misperceptions of influenza and the vaccine amongst community members.

“I hear all sorts of things about the flu. Some people think they’re young and healthy, or they take vitamin C, so they’ll be ok. That the flu isn’t bad. I always say they should yarn with their GP or someone at their local clinic, it’s important they know what’s true and how they can look after themselves and our Mob.

“I’ve already had my flu shot. I don’t want to get real crook, and I want to protect my family. We all live with people we care about, we don’t want to bring home the flu and make everyone sick. Even if you think you’re OK, think about those Mob you care about,” Uncle Billy said.

The influenza vaccine is available and free at clinics now. Contact your local clinic to book in.

Media Media Releases News Research

Reduction in Indigenous newborn removals by child protection services

Australian research published this month shows women who received care through an innovative Indigenous-led model of maternity care were three times less likely to have their Indigenous newborn removed by child protection services than women who received standard maternity care.

The research lands at the same time as the Australian Government’s Closing the Gap 2023 Annual Report which shows the rate of over-representation of Indigenous children in out-of-home care in Australia continues to increase.

Kristie Watego, Birthing in Our Community (BiOC) Service Development Manager, Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH), said the results show it is possible to significantly reduce the number of Indigenous babies removed at birth through effective holistic codesigned services.

“Existing maternity care models, and child protection systems, lack preventative measures and fail to prioritise family preservation. IUIH’s Birthing in Our Community service is a holistic, Indigenous-led and governed, multi-agency partnership between Aboriginal community-controlled health services and hospitals in parts of Southeast Queensland.

“It has already proven effective in improving health outcomes for Indigenous babies, reducing pre-term births by 38%, and significantly reducing related costs on the health system. Research now shows BiOC is also effective in improving family outcomes and reducing child protection intervention,” Ms Watego said.

In 2021-22 in the Southeast Queensland jurisdiction where this research took place, Indigenous babies accounted for 43% of infants in out-of-home care while only representing 9.7% of all infants.

The research was conducted at IUIH’s Salisbury BiOC Community Hub and their partner, Brisbane’s Mater Mothers’ Hospital, from 2013 to 2019. During the study, 1988 women pregnant with Indigenous babies were offered either standard care or the BiOC service. In that time 944 women (960 babies) received BiOC care while 1044 women (1048) babies received standard care.

Thirty-one women who received standard care had their babies removed by child protection services at birth, while only nine of the women who received BiOC care had their babies removed. The BiOC model of care also showed a significantly lower removal rate (9.5 per 1000) than the 2021-22 national rate of 57.8 per 1000.

“The BiOC model of care offers a more holistic and culturally safe and supportive wrap-around service. We see women come earlier and more often during their pregnancy because we’ve built relationships and connection with them. They feel comfortable and trust our staff, and that means they disclose challenges and then engage to strengthen themselves and their families. That’s at odds with what you often see in standard services with women concerned about child protection services,” Ms Watego said.

Renee Blackman, CEO, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service Brisbane, which partners with IUIH to run BiOC Hubs in Brisbane, said the design of the integrated service was integral to the improved outcomes.

“Pregnancy and childbirth provide an opportune time to engage women and break cycles of trauma. Unfortunately, most strategies and funding are directed towards child removal at birth which is expensive and avoidable in many cases,” Ms Blackman said.

The BiOC model is an example of what the Closing the Gap reforms were intended to deliver, significant impact through a strong community-controlled sector, transforming government organisations, shared decision-making, and shared access to better data in collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations.

Adrian Carson, CEO, IUIH, said the research is timely evidence of the success of community-controlled approaches after this month’s damning Productivity Commission review of progress on the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

“The review highlighted the lack of meaningful change in many areas, particularly that governments had failed to enable self-determination through sharing of power, and need to recognise that the community-controlled sector can achieve better results.

“We’ve demonstrated improvements in health and community outcomes, that it is possible to close the gap, and we’re contributing long-term cost savings to governments in the process. As a community-controlled health service we’ve successfully led the design and delivery of this incredibly effective service in partnership with mainstream services. It’s time for action, and funding, to follow the evidence,” Mr Carson said.

Professor Yvette Roe, Director, Charles Darwin University’s Molly Wardaguga Research Centre, said that the implications are clear for policy and practice.

“Investment in Indigenous organisations across the country to provide these evidence-based services is urgent,” Professor Roe said.

The research was published in Child Abuse & Neglect, The International Journal by the International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. Link to full paper:

The research was funded by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, and involved staff, data and researchers from the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service Brisbane, Mater Mothers’ Hospital, Mater Research, and Charles Darwin University.

Additional BiOC research
  • The Lancet (2023): Birthing on country service compared to standard care for First Nations Australians: a cost-effectiveness analysis from a health system perspective Link to journal
  • The Lancet (2021): Effect of a Birthing on Country service redesign on maternal and neonatal health outcomes for First Nations Australians: a prospective, non-randomised, interventional trial Link to journal
  • The Lancet (2019): Reducing preterm birth amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander babies: A prospective cohort study, Brisbane, Australia Link to journal
Media Releases

COVID – 19

IUIH Response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly changed we live and work.  At this time, the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH)’s focus on healthy, strong, and vibrant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, families, and communities is critical.

In a rapidly changing environment, we remain firmly focused on ensuring the best outcomes for our people.

IUIH and its member services have developed a 3-phase Pandemic Plan which informs the way we continue to provide the comprehensive range of services and programs that our community relies on for good health, well-being, and connection in response to levels of community transmission of COVID-19 in community.

Please check with your local Community Controlled Health Service to find out what level of the Pandemic Plan they are operating under. 

I Stepped Up

Respected members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community have come together for the ‘I Stepped Up’ campaign to highlight the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

‘I Stepped Up’ is run by The Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) along with the four founding Community Controlled Health Services (CCHHSs) with an aim to empower our mob 12 and older to get the COVID-19 vaccine to protect yourself, your family and your community.

For more information visit

Data modelling and COVID impact Indigenous populations across SEQ

The Community Controlled Health Services from across South East Queensland met at an urgent summit in Brisbane to discuss modelling which predicts the likely impact of COVID-19 within Indigenous populations should vaccination rates not drastically improve prior to the opening of Queensland’s border.