Improving and Integrating Urban Indigenous Health Services


IUIH announces new RTO: EMPOWA Training

The Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) is proud to announce that on 14 June, we received registration for our new Registered Training Organisation (RTO), EMPOWA Training (RTO code 46204). It is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled RTO.

IUIH CEO Adrian Carson said, “We established EMPOWA Training in response to a need for training and learning opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who want a pathway into the health and community workforce that is led by Community and based on Our Ways.”

Through accredited training and nationally recognised qualifications, EMPOWA Training will train Mob and grow the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce. These graduates will be essential to expand the range and capacity of culturally safe health and community care services needed to support the growing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population in southeast Queensland.

EMPOWA Training broadens IUIH’s scope to provide training and education pathways for Community. It will provide culturally safe, wraparound support for learners and increase the skilled, qualified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce. This directly impacts the social determinants of health while building our workforce and supporting better health outcomes for Community.

Initially, EMPOWA Training will offer the HLT30121 Certificate III in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care to a small cohort of network staff. Over time, we will offer eight courses in total across health, work-readiness, business and community services.

“We look forward to welcoming EMPOWA Training’s first learners in the coming months,” Mr Carson said.