Improving and Integrating Urban Indigenous Health Services

Deadly Dads

BiOC Deadly Dads - Aboriginal Dad with a bub on his shoulders.

Empowering Indigenous men to be Strong and Deadly dads

This program has been designed to empower Indigenous men who are becoming fathers. The program varies with support provides guidance, education such as their involvement into their partner’s pregnancy, how they can support their partner’s antenatal care including sharing of the pregnancy milestones. Deadly Dads to be will learn their support promotes positive outcomes, better psychological and emotional support throughout their partner’s journey to the birth of bub.

Find out more about the Deadly Dads service.

What to expect at a Deadly Dads workshop?

In 2023 the program had workshops for men who were going to become a dad for the first time. With our male social worker, Dave, these took place at the end of 2022.

Meet Dave from Deadly Dads with a message
Upcoming Workshops

Our next antenatal workshop Labour, Birth and Beyond will be held on Thursday, 31 October at 21 King Street, Caboolture from 6pm to 9pm. A light feed will be provided. To RSVP, please contact Dave with the contact details on the right.