Improving and Integrating Urban Indigenous Health Services

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The IUIH Employment Strategy 2023–2026

The IUIH Employment Strategy 2023–2026 guides how we build our workforce, following our Strategic Plan and Cultural Integrity Investment Framework, and embedding The Ways. It aims to grow both IUIH’s and the broader health and community services workforce, while simultaneously addressing employment as one of the social determinants of health for Our People.

The strategy builds on effective programs and work already underway. Through socialisation/propa ways, employment pathways, and growing our own, we will continue to develop the broader workforce, and equip and empower IUIH staff to enable effective and propa delivery of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Southeast Queensland.

Supporting more than a decade of growth, 20% of our workforce has been recruited through our training and development pathways, and nearly 50% of IUIH staff are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

The focus areas of education, employment pathways, and socialisation and development are already included in IUIH programs and ways of working, from Pathways, Our Way Academy  (POWA) and orientation to regular check-in yarns. Under the employment strategy this will continue to expand further into accredited training, school-based traineeships, work readiness programs, work-based traineeships, cadetships, broader university partnerships, and mentoring and support.

In collaboration with our network, funding bodies, and wider industry partnerships, we aim to achieve four strategic goals:

  • Strategic goal 1: mobilise our communities to increase employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
    • attracting Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
    • culturally responsive best practice recruitment and retention
    • opening pathways
    • community collaboration
  • Strategic goal 2: an organisation with cultural integrity
    • socialising our people
    • working in propa ways
  • Strategic goal 3: growing a strong and deadly workforce
    • supporting continuous learning and development
    • facilitating networks that build supportive relationships and promote growth opportunities
  • Strategic goal 4: accountability for our outcomes
    • conduct rigorous reviews and be accountable and transparent in reporting our achievements.

New IUIH System of Care 2 Research

The new IUIH System of Care 2 has been developed to build on the success of the original IUIH designed System of Care, an Indigenous-led holistic approach healthcare demonstrated to close the gap faster. IUIH is continually evolving to better respond to the rapid increase in Indigenous population growth in South East Queensland. 

Key Features of ISoC2:

  • Pods in Health Hubs: ISoC2 aims to reach a larger number of clients by using “pods” within proposed health hub precincts. These pods maintain the close connection and relational basis of interactions with care providers.
  • Integration and Care Coordination: ISoC2 emphasises integration and care coordination, consistent with the way IUIH Network clinics operate in South East Queensland.
  • Pod Model: The Pod Model supports stronger relationships between clients/families and their pod teams. It reduces wait times for appointments and ensures easier access to the right services.
  • Family-Centred Approach: Based on respect, relationships, and connections, pod teams focus on delivering care that meets the client and family’s needs.

Trial and Evaluation:

ISoC2 is currently being trialed at the Caboolture clinic, IUIH Goodna clinic, and the new Coomera hub. A comprehensive evaluation (process, outcome, and impact) will determine its effectiveness. Subject to the outcomes of this evaluation, a further rollout is planned across South East Queensland.

The Pod Model ensures stronger relationships, better-matched care, and comprehensive support for families.

Media Releases News

As flu cases rise, vaccination critical for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

As influenza cases rise ahead of winter and Australia’s traditional ‘flu season’, the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) is calling on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to get vaccinated as soon as possible. IUIH Public Health Physician, Dr Jacqueline Murdoch, said influenza is particularly serious for Indigenous people.

“The flu can make people really crook, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are at a higher risk. It increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as pneumonia and other serious illnesses. A lot of people end up in hospital because of the flu. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself, and your family and community from the flu.

“This year we want to make sure more of our community is protected, particularly groups at higher risk, including kids under five, older people, and anyone with a chronic health condition.

“Pregnant women also need to be vaccinated to reduce the risk of flu causing complications in their pregnancy, and to protect bub when they’re born before they can be vaccinated at six months old.

“We’ve seen a drop in the vaccination rate for kids, but the flu can make little kids really sick. It’s important for kids under five to be vaccinated,” Dr Murdoch said.

The influenza vaccine is safe and free for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. IUIH is encouraging community to get vaccinated now to ensure they are protected ahead of the peak ‘flu season’.

“We’ve seen the flu peak earlier than usual in the last couple of years. It also takes two weeks for the vaccine to take effect, so it’s important for people to get vaccinated as soon as possible so they are protected before we see the virus spread rapidly,” Dr Murdoch said.

IUIH Community Liaison Officer, Uncle Billy Gorham, regularly addresses misperceptions of influenza and the vaccine amongst community members.

“I hear all sorts of things about the flu. Some people think they’re young and healthy, or they take vitamin C, so they’ll be ok. That the flu isn’t bad. I always say they should yarn with their GP or someone at their local clinic, it’s important they know what’s true and how they can look after themselves and our Mob.

“I’ve already had my flu shot. I don’t want to get real crook, and I want to protect my family. We all live with people we care about, we don’t want to bring home the flu and make everyone sick. Even if you think you’re OK, think about those Mob you care about,” Uncle Billy said.

The influenza vaccine is available and free at clinics now. Contact your local clinic to book in.


2023 Aunty Pamela Mam Oration

As Patron of IUIH, over the years Aunty Pam’s guidance has staunchly driven IUIH in relentless pursuit of creating transformational change for Our People.  For in Aunty Pam’s words “Nothing is to stop, everything must continue”. 

In the continuance of Aunty Pam’s legacy, we are pleased to announce Mr. Neil Wilmett as the 2023 orator of the Aunty Pamela Mam Oration, with the theme being ‘Living in Yes: A Drive to Create Change’.

Living in Yes: A Drive to Create Change

The 14th of October 2023 is a date that will go down in the history of this Country. A date in and amongst many dates but is it a date that will go on to define us? 


Join us as we reflect on not only our learnings from Aunty Pam and to celebrate 50 years of Community Control in South East Queensland, but to also discuss the challenge of what the next 50 years will bring.  

Our Orator for this year’s event is Mr. Neil Wilmett; a Waanyi and Kuku Yalanji Man from Far North Queensland.  Neil has a historical connection to Aunty Pam and to the political mobilisation of our communities throughout significant points of time in Queensland.


Neil is a national leader in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing, health, economic development and administration. He is known as a leading thinker and for his work in strategy and policy development and implementation.

Throughout his career, Neil has led a number of peak body organisations and is the former Chief Executive Officer of the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC). While the Chief Executive Officer of QAIHC between 2017 and 2020, he built member sustainability, improved partnerships and advocated strongly for inward investment in the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heath Sector.

With national and international experience in business strategy, policy and change leadership within dynamic business environments, Neil has a proven track record in achieving outcomes. This has been forged while in leadership roles in Australia, government, the private sector and whilst a visiting (Winston) Churchill Leadership Fellow in the USA, Canada and New Zealand.

Neil brings a deep understanding and broad experience of community control, leadership and governance. 


Date: Tue, 28th November 2023

Time: 6 – 9pm

Where: The Ballroom, Victoria Park, 309 Herston Road, Herston

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Healing Hands Womens Group.

Healing Hands Women’s Group is a safe, healing space for First Nations women from all different clans/backgrounds to come together to:

  • Respect and honour our stories
  • Care for one another with honesty and kindness
  • Listen, learn, laugh, cry, grow, and empower one another
  • Embrace each other’s indifferences
  • Walk alongside each other and uplift each other with words of encouragement and strength
  • Restore our spirit, and our communities back to peace and harmony.

Let’s celebrate our woman spirit, as life-givers, caretakers, gatherers, healers, nurturers, and guardians.

Remembering, you are strong: the holder of spiritual knowledge, the sharer of stories, the connection to culture, the flow in dance, and the heart in language.

And together, we can create change, heal, and make new storylines for our families and future generations to come.

If you are ready to take the step forward and learn more about our safe Healing Hands Women’s Group, reach out for a yarn with our friendly team today on 1800254354.

Download the registration form here