Improving and Integrating Urban Indigenous Health Services


The IUIH Employment Strategy 2023–2026

The IUIH Employment Strategy 2023–2026 guides how we build our workforce, following our Strategic Plan and Cultural Integrity Investment Framework, and embedding The Ways. It aims to grow both IUIH’s and the broader health and community services workforce, while simultaneously addressing employment as one of the social determinants of health for Our People.

The strategy builds on effective programs and work already underway. Through socialisation/propa ways, employment pathways, and growing our own, we will continue to develop the broader workforce, and equip and empower IUIH staff to enable effective and propa delivery of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Southeast Queensland.

Supporting more than a decade of growth, 20% of our workforce has been recruited through our training and development pathways, and nearly 50% of IUIH staff are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

The focus areas of education, employment pathways, and socialisation and development are already included in IUIH programs and ways of working, from Pathways, Our Way Academy  (POWA) and orientation to regular check-in yarns. Under the employment strategy this will continue to expand further into accredited training, school-based traineeships, work readiness programs, work-based traineeships, cadetships, broader university partnerships, and mentoring and support.

In collaboration with our network, funding bodies, and wider industry partnerships, we aim to achieve four strategic goals:

  • Strategic goal 1: mobilise our communities to increase employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
    • attracting Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
    • culturally responsive best practice recruitment and retention
    • opening pathways
    • community collaboration
  • Strategic goal 2: an organisation with cultural integrity
    • socialising our people
    • working in propa ways
  • Strategic goal 3: growing a strong and deadly workforce
    • supporting continuous learning and development
    • facilitating networks that build supportive relationships and promote growth opportunities
  • Strategic goal 4: accountability for our outcomes
    • conduct rigorous reviews and be accountable and transparent in reporting our achievements.