Improving and Integrating Urban Indigenous Health Services

Our Vision

Our Vision

Healthy and strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, families and communities.

Our Purpose

Leadership in health system reform and provision of a high quality, integrated system of health and social support services.

Our Values


We believe that respectful relationships are essential
to achieving Our Vision. We understand that respectful relationships are built on the recognition that we all have a contribution to make. Therefore, we commit to treating each other and our partners with dignity, generosity and responsiveness.


We are here because of those who came before us. We draw upon Aboriginal teachings and ways for strength, wisdom and guidance. We uphold holistic approaches to healthcare and strive to achieve balance in our mental, spiritual, emotional and physical wellbeing.


We have an opportunity to achieve transformative change in the health and wellbeing of our Communities and an obligation to make the most of this opportunity. This will require us to be disciplined, to maintain loyalty to each other and to Our Vision, to maintain and nurture unity, integrity and reliability in fulfilling our commitments to one another.


We are humbled and honoured to have been asked by our Communities to work on their behalf, and in doing so, we have a moral obligation to strive for excellence in outcomes and our practices. We strive to continuously learn through capacity development  opportunities, from new and innovative models, and from each other.


We believe that effective relationships with Community, with our partners and with each other are foundations for achieving Our Vision and fulfilling our commitments. We commit to fostering working relationships underpinned by trust, honesty, understanding, teamwork and mutual support.


We work to improve the health and wellbeing of our Communities. Our decision-making reflects their best interests and leads to just and equitable treatment of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across South East Queensland. We are inclusive in our practices, our communications and discussions.

Strategic Goals

  • Improving access to quality health and social support services
  • Building and sustaining healthy families across the lifespan
  • Fostering collaboration and innovation
  • Strengthening and enhancing the enabling systems and governance

Strategic Priorities

  • Early Childhood (0-8 years)
  • Young Adulthood (9-17 years)
  • Adulthood (18-50 years)
  • Elderhood (50+ years)