Improving and Integrating Urban Indigenous Health Services

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Care Coordination

In recognition of the significant overlap and interaction between health outcomes and the key social and economic determinants of health and behavioural risk factors, IUIH aims to strengthen efforts to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families connect with social support services through integrating and coordinating care.

IUIH has continued to improve services through a ‘no wrong door’ environment, integrating health and social support services centred on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients using the health system.

Integrated Team Care (Care Coordination and Supplementary Services)

The Integrated Team Care program includes the Improving Indigenous Access to Mainstream Primary Care and Care Coordination and Supplementary Services programs.

The Improving Indigenous Access to Mainstream Primary Care program provides engagement and education support to mainstream practices within the region including delivering cultural awareness training to enhance the cultural safety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people attending mainstream primary healthcare services.

The Care Coordination and Supplementary Services program aims to provide better access to coordinated and multidisciplinary care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have chronic conditions including:

  • Access to specialists, allied health services and other support services
  • Access to specified medical aids that are needed to manage clients conditions effectively
  • Provision of appropriate clinical care
  • Arranging services
  • Assisting patients to attend appointments
  • Ensuring medical records are complete and current
  • Ensuring regular reviews are undertaken by the patient’s health care team.

For the General Practitioner Referral Form for Care Coordination and Supplementary Services (CCSS) – please click here.

IUIH Pharmacy Support Service

IUIH’s Pharmacy team focuses on monitoring and continually improving the quality and safety of medicine use across the region through providing extended support for community, working closely with other IUIH programs and externally with community pharmacies and hospital pharmacists.

The IUIH Pharmacy team also provides education and clinical support for IUIH member services and their patients including:

  • Providing training and development of the IUIH Network workforce in the safe and effective use of medicines
  • Coordinating, tracking and ensuring follow up of Home Medicine Reviews.
  • Supporting systems for effective monitoring and implementation of clinic imprest and vaccine stock.
  • Reviewing medication use as part of local clinic teams.