Improving and Integrating Urban Indigenous Health Services

IUIH System of Care

Are you interested in change for your community?

Since 2009 IUIH has worked with several Community Controlled Health Services across the country to overcome access barriers that are inherent within our often complex and fragmented health system.

IUIH is achieving this through the IUIH System of Care (ISoC), which was developed as a regional ‘ecosystem’ that promotes integrated health solutions at and between every level of IUIH’s operations. This includes targeting the social determinants of health whilst seeking to influence mainstream policy and strengthen linkages with mainstream service systems.

The IUIH System of Care reflects the many innovations in how care is managed to achieve optimal health outcomes, meet continuous improvement targets, and optimise revenue to support expanded service delivery. 

In a national first, and following widespread interest in the model, IUIH has developed an IUIH System of Care web-based e-learning and resources package. This interactive web-based resource hosts a suite of courses with detailed content covering all aspects of ISoC.  Please contact us directly if you would like any further details about the web-based e-learning and resources package. Courses are listed below.

  • Our History, Our Journey
  • System of Care
  • Access and Community Engagement
  • Reception and Clinic Welcome
  • Cycle of Care
  • Clinical Governance
  • Workforce Design and Development