Improving and Integrating Urban Indigenous Health Services


The Staying Deadly Survey Findings

By the people for the people: Landmark survey amplifies community voice to reform mental health system

A landmark study, released this month, has engaged Southeast Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to speak about their mental health, report their preferences for care, and guide lasting mental health system reform.

The four-year project, known as The Staying Deadly Survey (or the Queensland Urban Indigenous Mental Health Survey) commenced in 2018 and was led by The Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research (QCMHR) in partnership with the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH).

The cross-sectional population survey of more than 400 adult First Nations Australians in Southeast Queensland (SEQ) was undertaken with considerable planning and community consultation to determine the most suitable and culturally appropriate methods for undertaking the survey.

Lead Investigator and QCMHR researcher, Associate Professor Alize Ferrari said the study is the first of its kind in Australia to provide a comprehensive picture of the mental health needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in an urban setting.

“The study found that members of the SEQ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community who participated in the survey had faced significant mental health adversity and had clear preferences for the type of care they wanted for their mental health,” Associate Professor Ferrari said.

“For instance, in the 12 months prior to the survey 40 per cent of respondents experienced a mental disorder and 10 per cent experienced harmful substance use.

“These rates are high, but it is also important to acknowledge that a large proportion of participating community members were well during this time with many participants reporting that they had abstained from alcohol or illicit drugs use altogether.”

The survey also asked participants to report their experiences with mental health services, with 74.4 percent preferring those provided by Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services as opposed to mainstream service providers.

“While the majority of respondents did not feel they needed a service for their mental health in the past 12 months, 22 per cent reported that they needed a service but did not access or receive any care,” Associate Professor Ferrari said.

“Some reported this was because services did not help them when they asked for it, or services were too expensive to access.

“These findings offer important information to assist service planning and guide service providers and policy makers to understand where the barriers to care exist and how to address them.

“As expected, we also found the COVID 19 pandemic had an impact on our respondent’s mental health, with more than 22 per cent of participants reporting that they required increased mental health support, often due to changes in work circumstances, distress caused by separation from family or close friends, or restriction of life events or participation in social activities.”

Importantly, participants who reported higher connection and belonging to culture, participation in cultural events and activities, and feelings of empowerment were less likely to experience a mental disorder or hazardous substance use in their lifetime compared to those who reported less cultural connection and participation and felt disempowered by their circumstances.

“We hope these findings highlight the value of future research to understand and quantify the protective role of cultural identity on the health and wellbeing of First Nations People, and how this information can be used to shape intervention strategies and community mental health programs and services,” Associate Professor Ferrari said.

IUIH Chief Executive Officer, Adrian Carson, said the survey provides valuable information for policy makers, service planners and service providers in reforming mental health services to better meet the needs of First Nations people.

“I congratulate the research team and our Indigenous interviewers on completion of this study during particularly difficult circumstances including the COVID-19 pandemic and local floods,” Mr Carson said.

“They have taken a culturally safe and sensitive approach to conduct honest and open yarns with Mob on particularly difficult subjects and have made a significant contribution to the evidence base for mental healthcare reform for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia.

“Our people have spoken and presented a challenge for the Queensland health system to respond.

“Since the survey, Queensland Health has been quick to act by investing in the development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled specialised mental health service hubs in SEQ.”

The Queensland Urban Indigenous Mental Health Survey was funded by the Queensland Department of Health and the report is publicly available here.


Media contact: Kate Gadenne, QCMHR,


COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly changed we live and work.  At this time, the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH)’s focus on healthy, strong and vibrant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, families and communities is critical.

In a rapidly changing environment we remain firmly focused on ensuring the best outcomes for our people.

IUIH and its member services have developed a 3 phase Pandemic Plan which informs the way we continue to provide the comprehensive range of services and programs that our community relies on for good health, wellbeing and connection in response to levels of community transmission of COVID-19 in community.

Please check with your local Community Controlled Health Service to find out what level of the Pandemic Plan they are operating under. 

I Stepped Up

Respected members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community have come together for the ‘I Stepped Up’ campaign to highlight the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

‘I Stepped Up’ is run by The Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) along with the four founding Community Controlled Health Services (CCHHSs) with an aim to empower our mob 12 and older to get the COVID-19 vaccine to protect yourself, your family and your community.

For more information visit

Data modelling and COVID impact Indigenous populations across SEQ

The Community Controlled Health Services from across South East Queensland met at an urgent summit in Brisbane to discuss modelling which predicts the likely impact of COVID-19 within Indigenous populations should vaccination rates not drastically improve prior to the opening of Queensland’s border.

Click here to download the Data Modelling Snapshot 

Clinical Services 

Essential clinical services continue to be offered, increasingly via telehealth – but also through a triaging system that keeps our clinics safe for those who need to attend in-person appointments.

IUIH Member Network Clinic Locations

COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Clinics  

We have established five (5) dedicated urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander vaccination and testing clinics to provide a culturally appropriate screening and vaccination services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their families.

Vaccination and Testing Clinic Locations 

Group Programs 

Our group programs are understandably postponed currently. However, our Aged Care, Respite, Work it Out and DC Fit staff are providing program participants with the opportunity to engage in online sessions, further supported by individual telephone check-ins from our social health team to support connection.

Allied Health Services

Our allied health, dental and eye health staff are providing appointments to community via Telehealth (phone or video conference) if possible, as well as developing video resources such as ‘checking your foot health at home’ and ‘staying active at home’.

Community Messaging 

Our Deadly Choices Ambassadors are spending plenty of time in front of the camera recording community messages to share on social media encouraging us to stay home, stay connected and protect our families and community.

Deadly Choices Facebook

Deadly Choices Health Promotion

And a huge amount of work is underway to move our Deadly Choices healthy lifestyle program, traditionally delivered via face to face school education sessions and community events, to a completely online platform.

Deadly Choices Website

We are all still here and we are all committed to seeing our communities through this pandemic with the very best outcomes possible.