Improving and Integrating Urban Indigenous Health Services

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Using room microphones

Using room microphones for teleconferencing and through the speaker system

Desk microphones – For group Teams calls
  1. Unplug the disk shaped microphone from the USB cable and hold the power button for 5 seconds until the lights start flashing


  1. Once the microphone symbols is solid green it is now ready to use
    1. To mute the microphone tap the microphone symbol and the lights will turn red
  1. Place the desk microphone on the table as central as possible for all speaking participants
  2. For larger groups, use the 2nd desk microphone and space evenly among all speaking participants
  3. Once the meeting is finished, please hold down the power button for 5 seconds until the lights turn off and plug back in to keep charged for the next meeting
Handheld & Lapel – For presentations (In room and through Teams)

The handheld and lapel microphones are for presentations to groups of people in the room and over teams.  The speakers will be used for these two microphone types as well as the audio being captured and sent to anyone on a Teams call.

  1. Turn on the microphone receiver for the microphone you will be using, or turn all four receivers on if you are not sure by pressing the red power button
  1. Power on the microphone
    1. Handheld: Push the white button up towards the top of the microphone. The button will turn green when on
  1. Lapel: Squeeze the two buttons on the side of the lapel belt pack and flip down the cover. Then push the red power button.  The screen will display information when on
  1. When finished, please follow the above steps to power off the microphones and receivers.

Please note that all four microphones can be used at the same time if required.