The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for implementing the Strategic Vision of the organisation and overall management of IUIH’s operations.
Deadly Choices builds on partnerships with CCHSs to encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to complete an annual health check and access the suite of services provided by their local CCHS clinic, comprising of:
Now one of the most recognised Indigenous brands nationally, Deadly Choices has an increasing profile through active involvement in major sporting event campaigns, including its Deadly Origin partnership with the Queensland Rugby League and the NSW Rugby League.
The Quality and Innovation Unit provides oversight of key IUIH Network backbone functions including:
The Unit also currently provides oversight of several arms of IUIH direct service delivery including:
The Organisational Development Unit is responsible for:
The Strategy and Partnerships team oversights strategic policy development and advocacy for the IUIH Network, including working with key government and non-government stakeholders to drive system reform, and to support IUIH’s vision of healthy, strong, and vibrant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, families and communities. The Strategy and Partnerships business area includes the:
The Corporate Services Unit provides the necessary support to IUIH including:
(Nunuccal woman with connections to north-west Carnarvon Gorge, in central Queensland)
The Cultural Integrity team is dedicated to fostering an environment that honours and upholds our cultural heritage, in alignment with Aboriginal Terms of Reference. This team plays a pivotal role in organisational development by embedding culturally responsive practices across all levels of IUIH, ensuring that staff, programs, and services reflect and respect Aboriginal ways of knowing and being. Through proactive community engagement, the unit builds strong relationships and partnerships, amplifying the voice of our people and the communities IUIH serves. Additionally, the Cultural Integrity team strengthens governance frameworks by developing policies and protocols that prioritise cultural integrity and accountability, guiding IUIH towards culturally aligned decision-making and sustainable, community-centred growth.