Improving and Integrating Urban Indigenous Health Services

Youth Services

Engaging young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Men and Women.

MomenTIM (Tomorrow’s Indigenous Men) is a program focused on improving the mental health and wellbeing of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men between the ages of 12 and 24. MomenTIM is a three-tiered approach, anchored in the principle that mental health issues are best addressed by an integrated methodology comprising:


  • Early intervention strategies – using the proven success of IUIH’s Deadly Choices program to inform, educate and inspire young Indigenous men to get healthy – both physically and mentally
  • Health outreach support – clinic-based services, encouraging completion of a comprehensive Health Check and other relevant programs delivered by our medical and social health teams and clinics.
  • Training and education – delivered through our community coalition of local leaders joining forces to provide opportunities for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men.

MomenTIM, and its companion program DC Sistas (focusing on young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women) supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth through:

  • Increasing access to best evidence and culturally appropriate mental and other health screening, treatment and referral practices through specialist training and support
  • Engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth in positive, practical activities that promote participation in work skills and training opportunities, along with positive aspects of their culture and community.
  • Reducing the stigma and shame associated with mental illness by improving the level of understanding and increasing support networks.
  • Empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth to take more control over their environment and creating opportunities for them to contribute more positively to, and be more positively accepted by their community.
  • Monitoring and assessing our activities to ensure their effectiveness and validity to ultimately enable the project to be expanded and delivered in any community.

MomenTIM and DC Sistas are delivered by Indigenous men and women in community, organisations and/or school environments.