Improving and Integrating Urban Indigenous Health Services

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Mob Link
Connecting Mob with Services & Care

Mob Link is an initiative of the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in SEQ by linking with health and social services. 

Open 365 days a year, from 7am to 8pm, Mob Link can provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who live in South East Queensland with access to same day care or support to connect to a variety of health and social services.

If you are a service provider or practitioner, please visit our GP information page for referral information. 

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Community Members can self-refer by calling Mob Link on 1800 254 354.

If you are unable to get an appointment with your regular GP, Mob Link can provide services and care online or over the phone. Through Mob Link, we can provide:

  • Prescriptions for regular medications you might take
  • Health advice for all sorts of conditions like coughs, colds or COVID 
  • Early pregnancy support
  • Mental Health Support and Advice
The Virtual Care Team cannot prescribe strong pain killers and drugs of addiction.

The Improving Indigenous Access to Mainstream Primary Care (IIAMPC) Team work across the Brisbane North and South Regions to assist:

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Community Members who utilise mainstream GP Services to access their healthcare
  • Mainstream GP Clinics and Allied Health Practices to provide culturally safe services to their Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Clients

The IIAMPC Team provides:

  • Information and support to connect to services available within the IUIH Network for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
  • Information on support on various Close the Gap initiatives such as CTG prescriptions and the Practice Incentives Programs’ Indigenous Health Incentive
  • Transport for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Clients to access services
  • Delivery of our Turning Good Intentions in Culturally Safe Practice workshop for practice staff.
For more information about IIAMPC and how we can work with you, please contact The Institute for Urban Indigenous Health on 1800 254 354.

Mob Link operates 365 days a year, from 7am – 8pm and is staffed by a deadly team of Intake Officers, Nurse, Doctors and Social Workers from across the region.

When you call, our Intake Officers will yarn with you to work out what you need. Whether you are discharging from hospital and need help with medication or transport, or you’ve got Mob in hospital and need advocacy support – our team are there for you.

Connection to Services and Care

Check out the other services and programs offered through IUIH and our Network to find how we can support you and your Mob.


Please click below for links to our client brochure and poster.

Mob Link brochure
Mob Link poster

Stay connected with the Mob Link app

The Mob Link app provides a wide range of information and resources designed to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders during times of hardship caused by the pandemic, including:

  • Information about where to get vaccinated
  • Details on how to book a community yarn about COVID
  • Information on who to contact if community have questions you have about COVID and the vaccine
  • Connections to services and support for those affected by COVID

Scan the below QR code to access the app:

Mob Link supporting resources

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